A PEN & Casa Toscana collaboration

Most of us love Christmas, who wouldn’t? It is the most wonderful time of the year. So here at PEN we have decided to extend the Christmas cheer to our beneficiaries well into 2021, and further shared the feel-good stories with you.

Last year Casa Toscana approached PEN with a heartwarming idea: a Christmas gift initiative. But instead of giving beneficiaries what they needed, they were given what they wanted.

This past month, thanks to the help of our friends at Casa Toscana, we were able to sprinkle Christmas joy all over Januworry.

PEN’s goal towards restoring the dignity of our beneficiaries calls for an opportunity to celebrate the joys of Christmas and gift-giving. A privilege we take for granted all too often. The initiative entailed the beneficiaries writing their life story and Christmas wish on gift cards. These cards were used to decorate a bright and dazzling Christmas tree at Casa Toscana.

Casa Toscana proceeded to host several concerts in which the guests were encouraged to open their hearts, take a card and sponsor the relevant gift. Thanks to the love and support of Casa Toscana and their immeasurable efforts, many of the beneficiaries of PEN had their Christmas wishes come true. Proving that you don’t need December, a white beard or a red suit to spread joy and make a difference.

If you can’t get enough of this story please go check out the entire video below.

Make Christmas 2021 an unforgettable Christmas for our young children and the future of our nation with PEN’s Preschool Forum.

P.s. We are not late, we are early, for next Christmas.

If you want to collaborate with PEN and create more feel-good stories please contact us.