
Our Stories

Things change. Everyday. Learning how to navigate and adapt is essential as we work day in and day out striving towards the future that we’ve envisioned together.

Our stories are the breadcrumbs along the way that show where we’ve come from, the lives we’ve touched and that there is proof that a better tomorrow is possible for all.




Our Stories


Things change. Everyday. Learning how to navigate and adapt is essential as we work day in and day out striving towards the future that we’ve envisioned together.

Our stories are the breadcrumbs along the way that show where we’ve come from, the lives we’ve touched and that there is proof that a better tomorrow is possible for all.



Our Stories


“Confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” is Faith. (Hebrews 11:1) It is this faith that helps us navigate, persevere, maintain our hope towards our vision of a new future and lasting transformation.


Spreading Hope on Mandela Day

Spreading Hope on Mandela Day

celebrating Mandela DayAt PEN, we are committed to the emotional and mental well-being of our community. This year, on the...

Syncing with Purpose

Syncing with Purpose

Senior Pastor ReflectionDuring my basic military training, our squad's corporal would frequently bellow, "Kom in pas!"...

Reflections Inspire Progress

Reflections Inspire Progress

CEO REFLECTIOnLooking back on 2022, we are reminded of Winston Churchill's wise words,“The farther backward you look, the...

Preparing for life after school

Preparing for life after school

PEN Life preperation camp 2023PEN's Life Preparation Camp was held during the past long weekend. We focus on equipping...